Goodnight, Space Oddity

bowie half face

David Bowie was one of the first people that made me realize that if different, weird, off-center, freaky, crazy, innovative, original, truly unique is what you are, it’s a good thing….something to wallow and flourish in, because that’s where the magic is. This was a paradigm shift for a Black girl in the ‘burbs of Toledo, Ohio who was convinced she belonged somewhere else. Bowie kept it hot, kept it fresh, kept it moving, kept it growing, kept it electric, kept it interesting, kept it meaningful…through the very end of his time on Earth. I imagine that he’s somewhere light-years away by now, blazing new trails. How dope to have witnessed a true artist who embraced, explored and lived who he was…instead of trying to hide (from) it or ‘outgrow’ it. Thank You for the mind-blowing inspiration and the game-changing music.

“Don’t fake it baby, lay the real thing on me….”
Moonage Daydream